Stage Island Village is a settlement in prehistoric times, which is located above the hilly village of Tanjung Pinang Island District Betel Lahat District. It is said that the Village and the surrounding Cape Betel is a sea of water and Stage Island Village is an island and not far from this village there is a rock where where ditambatkannya boat (currently residing in the village of Karang In).
On the Village Stage Island there are four stone megaliths and stone mortars which had a 4000 years old,
The first stone is located corner of rubber plantation owned by Mr. Yamal, here a large stone resembling a person is a child's lap and riding a buffalo. This figure body fat, a snub nose and wearing a necklace, while a child who dipangkunya wear protective headgear. Batu megalith ini di sebut Batu Putri Besak. This megalith stone called the Stone Princess Besak.
Ten minutes drive from Stone Princess Besak we arrived at Stone Stone Satria.Disebut Satria because the stone depicts a warrior wearing a helmet and wearing similar necklaces. But unfortunately this stone has collapsed and part of face to face / kiss the ground and the thighs down has been buried by tanah.Letak this stone in the rubber and coffee plantations owned by Mr Sarti.
From this Satria Stone Hambli pack which is a pet here interpreters bring authors and pak pak Markoni Betel Cape Kadesh through the coffee and rubber plantations to the complex population Princess. Here Stone there is a chair-shaped rock and a stone depicts a bring someone is in a back position. Stone lying on the ground, surrounded by rubber trees it is very shady and a bit of light that touched these stones, so that very quickly overgrown with moss but pack Hambali always clean all the existing stone megaliths on this site.
With a very patient and friendly, telling stories Hambli pack and pack brings writers to the Stone Tiger Kadesh Markoni surrounded by coffee plantations owned by the pack of this Tiger Rasmin.Batu in lying position and buried in the tail section describes tanah.Batu Tiger is a tiger that attacked a small child .
The four stone megaliths found in the site or the Cape of betel Island Stage is all facing toward or facing the direction of sunrise Timur.Makna what is contained here may have something to do with a belief.
And the stone megaliths of the fifth or last in Stage Island megalith sites or Cape Betel is a hollow stone mortars 4 (four). It is in the pack Mardi owned forest, adjacent to the garden Hambli jupel pack.
Although the five stone megalith that is located quite far from human habitation and Sirih Village Tanjung between coffee and rubber plantations nan shady but extremely well maintained, no grass and shrubs around the stones megalith.Penulis very impressed to see the condition of the site megalith in Cape Betel very well-treated. Pak Hambali as interpreters maintain megalith sites located at the Village Stage Island or Cape Sirih Village is responsible for the task given him even though he is only a temporary worker.
All the stone megaliths on this site no one has topped fence and also there is no notice board / instructions, so it was very natural and what impressed adanya.Walau many times a team of researchers from the Institute for Archaeological Preservation Hall Palembang and Archaeological Heritage (BP3) to visit Jambi ini.Yang site authors do not worry if rescue measures such as fencing, roofing and the notice board there are the parties who intentionally steal or damage the prehistoric relics that have been classified as Objects of Cultural and reserved at the time .. And no significance in Maintain or jupel interpreter also noticed welfare to work better.
Of note in the guest book that had the pack or jupel Hambli pet here interpreters listed in the year 1985 there are 11 foreigners who visited the site Stage Island, in the year 1986 reached 24 foreigners who came from Australia, Germany, UK, Netherlands and Prancis.Pada In 1987 there are 24 foreigners as well, but in subsequent years 1988,1989,1990,1991 total strangers who came to have petered out.
In the year 2007 there were only three people who visit this site, in 2008 visitors numbered eight people, the year 2009 there were only seven people and visitors of all domestic visitors in the year to April, there was only one person the writer's own visitors. "In the year 2010 Mario bae new pack that comes into stone here "said Mr Hambli.
So the author is the first visitor in 2010 was. "I do not know ngape pack after the 1990s seldom come here apelagi jeme jeme nian foreign" narrative thus Hambli pack and one pack of Kadesh Markoni. Maybe because the lack of effort from the competent authorities to introduce the site of Cape Betel minimal in Lahat regency society, there has been no effort to build infrastructure like roads, no development effort as a tourist asset in the community and ultimately increase government revenues, even signs that describe the village, there are sites megalithpun nonexistent.
As the author had to say on the previous article in Lapos April 6, 2010 with the title "Lahat eyes of the world" that the stone megaliths in Lahat regency in addition to being the best megalith stones in Indonesia is also the oldest megaliths in many ironic Indonesia.Tapi existence is not in stone megaliths known by the majority community Lahat District.
Hopefully future efforts by the various parties to introduce Lahat as the center stone megaliths in Indonesia and the world that does not fail with Britain's Stonehenge and Easter Island in Chile.
by Mario Lahat

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