"Object of objects are solid but need to be developed again and the government should contribute," as one visitor commented on "Panoramic Photo Exhibition of Lahat" and "Sriwijaya Expo", which just took place. This is a reflection of the new society know that so far there is no single tourist mainstays of Lahat district  can be proud of. Stone megaliths 4,000 years old have been famous since 160 years ago did not worked well for tourism purposes, as well as hot springs, lakes and dozens of waterfalls are scattered in Lahat regency. Everything has not been able to lift a Lahat regency in tourism let alone become a source of local revenue.
On the other visitors commented, "It appears that many places during this tour that people do not know yet. Indeed if we look at the brochure "Map of South Sumatra tourism", there is shown 37 photos and there are only three photos of a hill Lahat Regency Serelo, Lematang River and Stone megalith (but who displayed a stone megaliths from Tanjung Wangi Aro and admonished not belong to Pagar Alam Lahat regency). Whereas Lahat Regency possessed more than 40 waterfalls and 28 sites of stone megaliths. So why are so abundant tourism potential can not we develop and promote? Why are so dazzling sights can not bring tourists to visit? At least these attractions Lahat district known by the public and can be visited.

It's very ironic than 28 waterfalls and 40s megalith sites in Lahat regency which has included objects and in protecting cultural heritage laws is also a prehistoric remains the best all over Indonesia (according to Lonely Planet books in writing), none of which went on tourist map of South Sumatra . Where the role of Culture and Tourism Lahat regency? Is there an effort to develop such a waterfall or a megalith sites that will be the mainstay or the pride of the people Lahat District.
Utilization of cultural heritage objects according to law No. 5 of 1992 Chapter VI of article 19 paragraph 1 reads: "The object of certain cultural heritage can be exploited for the benefit of religious, social, tourism, education, science and culture. So one use of objects of cultural heritage for tourism. And this is certainly done by the related department ie Department of Culture and Tourism, where objects of cultural heritage is situated. Also the use of objects of cultural heritage for tourism activities set out in the world tourism code of ethics (the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism) of article 4 paragraph 2 states: "Policies should be aimed at tourism activities within the framework of respect for the legacy of the wealth of art, archeology, and culture must be protected and submitted to the next generation; maintenance specifically given to the preservation and improvement of the monuments, shrines and museums, as places of historical and archaeological, which should be widely opened for tourist visits generally should be encouraged in order to enter the property and monuments private-cultural monuments (personal) by respecting the rights of the owner, as well as in religious buildings without harming religious norms. "
For research activities and objects of archaeological sites have been established separate institutions of Archaeology Institute. For objects of cultural heritage in Lahat regency Archaeology Institute under the coordination of Palembang who have Bengkulu working area, Jambi, South Sumatra and Bangka Belitung, based in Palembang.
Who's Archaeological Heritage Preservation Hall or BP3 Jambi Prov.Bengkulu having working area, Jambi, South Sumatra and Bangka Belitung Jambi has centered on carrying out maintenance tasks and functions, guidance and counseling, investigation and protection of archaeological heritage of both movable and immovable as well as site both in the field and stored indoors.
 To use as a tourism destination area is managed by the Department of Culture and Tourism Lahat regency, for research by the Center for Archaeological Palembang and for the preservation / maintenance by the Center for Archaeological Heritage Preservation (BP3) Jambi.
If we refer to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 10 Year 2009 About Tourism Chapter II, Article 4 states: "Tourism aims to improve economic growth, welfare improve, delete poverty, unemployment solve, keep natural environment and resources, cultural, improve image of the nation, patriotism, make strong identity and unity of the nation and keep friendship among nations. May all competent parties can do the best for the preservation of cultural heritage objects of cultural value is very high. Megalith stones spread over hundreds of Lahat regency belonged to the community not only Lahat regency but already belong to the world.

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