Lahat is a city lane highway crossings in the middle through Bakauheni, Bandarlampung, Baturaja, Moreover the Muaraenim, Lahat, Pagaralam, Lubuklinggau, Jambi, Padang to penetrate into the region of North Sumatra.

It took five hours drive from the city of Palembang to Earth Seganti Setungguan slogan that has attractive tourism spot such as the Hill Area Serelo, Kemambang Ribang Park, Angel Falls, Waterfall Lawang Agung, and megalith Tinggihari.
Despite the potential and known internationally, tourism Lahat still asleep, has not been excavated and managed optimally.

Since 1997 I have visited 200 cities in 100 countries. In general, I visited tourist areas in addition to a big city like New York, Sydney, London, Barcelona, Rome, Rotterdam, Hong Kong, to Tokyo, also did not miss the small towns are laid out so neatly, so attractive to foreign tourists.

Lahat District has great potential tourist attractions. Regions Serelo Hill or Bukit thumb pointed or mountain has a unique and beautiful form, in this region can also terda elephant school.

By Mario Dayat
Has visited nearly 200 cities in 100 countries tours

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