Lapos, Lahat - Hall of Languages of South Sumatra Province, went directly Lahat regency in order to develop a modern literary encyclopedia in three districts namely, Lahat, Pagaralam, and Empat Lawang.The implementation that was held for three days from 22 - 24 September 2010 the Provincial Language Institute entourage gather existing literature throughout South Sumatra including Lahat District.For in Lahat regency, the troupe presents the Provincial Center of Languages in the three resource persons include kesustraan problem. Namely Ismeth Inonu, Jajang R Kawentar and Irfan for the City of Lahat.Central Role of Language itself not only on modern kesustraan but covers about language. Even in South Sumatra are expected to become more lively literary life.Added another, local governments can become the vehicle through its support, both hold events or to invite young people to follow and develop the activities of regional literature.

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