Communities, especially cities Lahat Lahat district will begin to look as an alternative to silver jewelry than gold. The price is affordable and easy to get a silver become increasingly attractive, especially for women.
The gold price is quite expensive, making people turn to a less expensive jewelry. Despite losing in terms of quality and price, but managed to attract buyers of silver jewelry that has minimal funds.
Last April, the people slowly begin to look, and besides, if you need money, silver can be sold back to the store by using letters like selling gold.
To make it more interesting, the seller usually coated with chrome silver jewelry to look more shiny. "If what we store, use chrome Hong Kong, because the quality is better than domestically," he explained. Matter of choice, go Nazirwan, ranging from necklaces, rings, and earrings available in store. "Same with gold, it's all there, just select the price starting from Rp. 20 000 per gram."
Source: Lahat Post

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