Around the year 1830 during the sultanate of Palembang in Lahat regency has no clan, clans are formed from sumbai-sumbai and tribes that existed at that time such as: Lematang, Pasemahan, latitude, Gumai, High Cliff and Kikim. Marga is for sumbai-sumbai government and tribes. This clan is a forerunner to the Government in Lahat regency.
At the time of the British people in power in Indonesia, Marga remain and the Dutch colonial period in accordance with Dutch interests in Indonesia at that time the government in Lahat regency is divided into afdelling (Residency) and onder afdelling (kewedanan) from 7 afdelling contained in South Sumatra, Lahat Regency there are 2 (two) afdelling namely afdelling High Cliff with 5 (five) regions and afdelling Lematang onder afdelling Ulu, Lematang Ilir, Kikim and Pasemahan with four onder afdelling. In other words at that time in Lahat regency there are two prefectures. On May 20, 1869 afdelling Lematang Ulu, Lematang Ilir, and thousands of cities in Lahat Pasemah led by PP Ducloux and position of the clan at the time as part of afdelling. May 20, the birthday finally Lahat District in accordance with the Decision Gebernur Head of Provinces of South Sumatera No. 008/SK/1998 dated January 6, 1988. The entry of Japanese troops in 1942, afdelling formed by the Dutch government changed to sidokan with the leader of an indigenous person appointed by the military government of Japan under the name and Fuku Gunco Gunco. Japan's defeat in the allies on August 14, 1945 and Indonesia proclaimed its independence on August 17, 1945, the District is one of the regency of Lahat in South Sumatra province under the Law. 22 In 1948, Presidential Decree No. 141st Year in 1950, in Lieu of Law No. PP. 3 Year 1950 on August 14, 1950. Lahat regency led by R. Marta Sukarta Atmajaya, later replaced by Surya Winata and Amaludin and with Regulation No. 1959 on the Establishment of Regional Level I Level II in the South Sumatra province, the official Lahat District as a regional Level II to the present and the Law No. 22 Year 1999 concerning Otda, and amended Act No. 32 Years 2004 to Lahat District.

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