Plan for airport development in Lahat regency is entering a phase measurement point of the runway (runway). Measurements carried out in collaboration with teams from the provincial transport department, Kominukasi, and Informatics (Dishubkominfo) Lahat. 
Lapos, Lahat - The art of Culture and Tourism Kab Lahat, in the near future will follow the festival performances Banyuasin Sekayu Randik II.Lahat art team will send personnel, converged on several official dancers and singers. Muba Randik Festival II in 2010 will be held on September 28 to 30 next. Arts team will depart on September 28, 2010, in which the execution was held for three days and followed by 15 regencies / cities in South Sumatra, and immediately opened by the Governor of South Sumatra Ir H Alex Noerdin are also in conjunction with Muba Expo.Source: Lahat Post, September 21
 Lapos, Lahat - Hall of Languages of South Sumatra Province, went directly Lahat regency in order to develop a modern literary encyclopedia in three districts namely, Lahat, Pagaralam, and Empat Lawang.The implementation
 Lapos, West Merapi - Villagers East Mount Merapi Flower District which consists of four villages, some are still many who bathe in the river village Lematang especially I, though already have wells and its own bathroom. "Indeed, most of our citizens, especially citizens of the village of Gunung Kembang village

One of the charms of the river Lematang Lahat District. in Lahat, as one family recreation. The air is cool, especially if the late afternoon.

The bridge connects the region with the region of Cape Payang Fortress .. Then there is the tribune also,
One of the recreational park Lahat regency park Ribang Kemambang, which is located 2 KM from the city center. There are many plants, fish pond, and the animals that are kept there. This recreational area is usually crowded on Sunday, many families who visit there. They brought picnic supplies, food, beverage and enjoying the beautiful panorama Ribang Kemambang.
Front Side
Left Side
The mosque is built on a height in Lahat regency. Able to accommodate 1000 people to worship there. Being at altitude, makes this mosque stands firmly decorate Lahat City. Government religious events are often held here. besides a wide space, the mosque was also give comfort to any visitor.

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